Noenco assists norwegian and danish shippingcompanies in becoming more green and in reducing emissions.
Noenco assists Norwegian and Danish shipowners through the rule jungle when they want to make the ships greener and optimize operations.
The Danish machinist Niels Dal is in the middle of the Danish and Norwegian maritime industry on a daily basis. His task is together with the business partner Erik Mortensen, who is also a Dane and engineer to help shipping companies optimize vessels and reduce energy and emissions.
It contains partly a technical operational aspect and partly a handling function through Denmark’s and Norway’s different subsidy schemes. In Norway, not least with roots in the NOx fund.
He runs together with Erik Mortensen and a couple of Norwegian employees Noenco, Nordic Energy Consulting.
A consulting company that has its main address and is registered in Kristiansand in Norway, but which also has a Danish office on the first floor of Martec Skagen, the former Skagen Skipper School.
This is where Søfart meets Niels Dal.